The last class for the You Are Your Own Muse Workshop was last week.
I thought you might be interested in some of my favourite photos from the class.
Twirling. I took a lot of shots of twirling and dancing etc, but this one was the best.
It's harder than you'd think to get a good shot of twirling.
I thought I would take tonnes and tonnes of shots of twirling
(maybe because I thought I should)
but I'm actually not much of a twirler in real life.
I relate more to stillness.
One of my favourites because of my co-star in the kitchen.
The title should say: These are the days I will remember.
I spent hours and hours on this one and still am not sure what it's about.
Sometimes you're called to say something and you don't even really know what you're up to.
This one is about a sense of place. I feel really connected to this land.
Part of it, one might say.
I love these shadowy, ghosty images.
While we were all learning to photoshop our photos to create something interesting
I took a simpler approach and traced.
Yes, traced.
I'm saving my favourite favourite photo for last (as in next post)
due to technicalities I won't even get into right now.
Sometimes I would create a photo and then think to myself
that this was what I came here to express and I'd done it and so now what.
But the next week I'd pick up the camera again
and astound myself by creating something that took my breath away again.
And now I'm at the end of the class thinking to myself what am I going to do now?
I'm craving community, and I still long for art that explores meaning.
I'm at a bend in the path again, and can't quite see around the corner.
(would love to hear your comments.)
(p.s. many more photos here in case you're interested.)