Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Links

Here are some interesting links found this week.

Alabama skirt. This is an absolutely gorgeous project.

Graphic Design. The basics all on one page. I have zero art training, and I found this little article on design principles quite helpful.

Here's an interesting project I stumbled upon. Maybe a good place to send all that extra brown thread you bought by accident.

So, I bought the book from last weeks list. And here's the website, I think I'll be spending a bunch of time (virtually) with Summer Pierre.

I've been working on prototypes for a new project for my shop - green thumb gardening gloves! I just thought up the green thumb part today on my lunch break and it makes me want to clap like a little girl. Seriously, though, I hope to have these listed in the store soon - tomorrow if all goes well. I'll post something on here about it, too.

I'm also working on a huge blog post with some covert stitching I did in January and February that I can now show you. Lots and lots of pictures to go through first, though. It's eye candy, though and I think you'll like it.

Also sometime this weekend I should have a post up about TAST - Take a stitch tuesday which I've been playing with this week. I promise pictures in that one, too.

Phewph! I even tire myself out!

1 comment:

  1. love the links. And Marcel is doing much better. He came home two days ago and we are loving having him back. What an experience!
