Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Finds!

Interesting things from the interweb this week (see below). I'm working on a super-secret project for my daughter today. I do hope she likes it! I do hope I can get it done before Saturday (ya right!). I like to call my lack of planning ahead "living in the moment". What, you're not convinced?

Friday Finds:

You'll want to check out Angie's drawing, Be the Change. I think I might embroider the second line onto something.

I loved this blog post about perspectives on aging. It's a guest post from several different women of different ages talking about fashion, body image and how it changes over time. I'm glad to be out of my 20s, that's all I can say.

Last up this Friday is an inspiring story on how making art heals. I can completely relate as this is how creating makes me feel alive.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the link, and I think it would be amazing embroidered. I'll send you a full-res. jpeg when I get back from Edmonton.
